Why Miss National American Teen & Collegiate?
Dear Moms and Contestants:
No Experience is required. We will provide training.
We are a Great 1st-time Pageant.
One of our Goal is to build confidence in your daughter while
helping her to build a lifetime of Sisterhood
Competition: We call it a learning experience!
Community Service:
Volunteering and giving back to others.
Should she want/need guidance in the development
of a specific platform that is unique to her, we will help.
Platforms are not required but are strongly encouraged for
our Upper Age Division. Volunteering is required.
Fitness: Teaching the girls why they should have a healthy
lifestyle involving food choices and exercising.
Evening Gown:
Time of Elegance and Poise.
Teaching grace and feeling Beautiful is fun.
Fun Fashion:
The girls will showcase their modeling skills. No modeling experience
necessary. Girls will wear a fun outfit while showcasing their confidence in being happy on the stage.
Girls learn how to dress for interviews, how to sit, and to answer questions. Also, how to write a
Yes, we are a National Pageant! At Nationals she will represent her State in a fun pageantry competition with other girls across the Nation.
We offer Non-Competition/Optional opportunities parts of the weekend which include: Talent, Acting, Spoke
Model, Casual wear modeling, photoshoot modeling. (These are not required to win in the overall competition.
This is Judge separately. Girls showcase their skills for prize money and an opportunity to participate at
National! )
Once you register you will receive a full detailed Contestant Manual.
State/Region titles: As a regional Titleholder your daughter will have the option to purchase a Beautiful crown and sash to
represent her region or community. She will use these to make appearances and make her mark in changing the
Life coaching classes are Free! With our monthly newsletters and free webinars, you will experience a
change in your daughter’s confidence immediately. Your girls will love our live-life skills classes during the
Pageant Weekend and Vendors Show.
Our Pageant System serves as a fundraiser* event for Stay Gorgeous Girls (Non-profit Organization for
Please don’t hesitate to contact me!
Dr. Charlotte Gerry
Co-founder/Associate National Director
904-236-2068 (text the best way)
“Confidence is Power! “
*Portions of funds collected will be donated directly to Stay Gorgeous Girls Organization.